Managing kernels in Jupyter(Python 3.6)
Environment: Python3.6, Ubuntu Desktop 18.04
Required: Root privilege(Optional), python Jupyter, python-venv(or virtualenv)
Jupyter kernel is a kind of environment for jupyter notebook.
You can import a virtual environment to use specific python version or installed packages.
I will explain how to add, remove and watch list kernel in this page.
1. Add new kernel in Jupyter
$ source <venv directory>/bin/activate <venv name>
$ pip install ipykernel # You can skip if you already install it
$ python -m ipykernel install --user --name <venv name> --display-name <display name>
$ # if you add --user option, it will create kernel in ~\/.local/share/jupyer/kernel
$ # if you don't add it, it will create kernel in ~\/usr/local/share/jupyter (it may require root privilege)
2. Watch kernel list in Jupyter
$ python -m jupyter kernelspec list
Avaiable kernels:
python3 /usr/local...
3. Remove a kernel in Jupyter
$ python -m jupyter kernelspec remove\<venv name\>
$ # You can check venv name to use #2 way.